Conditions SUPPORTED:

Dr. Coombs specializes in working with burnout for high achieving professionals, and is highly experienced in working with all levels of mental and emotional wellness, from chronic stress to complex psychiatric presentations. Dr. Coombs believes that people are more than just a diagnosis, and supports the following conditions that can contribute to problems with mood:

  • Adrenal burnout / chronic stress - all levels of functioning, may feel “wired and tired”

  • Autoimmunity - treating root cause of a variety of autoimmune conditions

  • Blood sugar dysregulation - prediabetes, hypoglycemia

  • Compulsivity - sugar cravings, compulsive behavior (shopping, gambling, skin picking, etc)

  • Digestive issues - IBS, food sensitivities, autoimmunity, malabsorption, dysbiosis, SIBO

  • Fatigue - physical fatigue, “crashes”, sleeping too much and/or never feeling rested

  • Focus issues - ADD/ADHD, problems with focus, concentration, memory, and brain fog

  • Hormonal imbalance - PMS, PMDD, PCOS, peri to post-menopause, low testosterone

  • Insomnia - problems falling and/or staying asleep, poor quality sleep, nightmares

  • Pain - chronic muscle and/or joint pain, fibromyalgia

  • TBI (traumatic brain injury) - on-site hyperbaric oxygen treatments (AZ patients)

  • Thyroid dysfunction - hyper and hypothyroidism, autoimmunity, impaired conversion

Modalities used:

  • Amino acid, vitamin, and nutrient therapy

  • Biofeedback, passive

  • Bodywork

  • Botanical medicine

  • Counseling

  • Dietary modifications

  • HBOT - hyperbaric oxygen therapy

  • Hormone therapy - bioidentical available (injections, oral, and topical)

  • IV therapy / IM injections

  • Lifestyle counseling

  • Medication management

  • Mind-body medicine